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Training Course "Design your Youth Exchange"

November 18 - 24, Lutherstadt Wittenberg (Germany)

A fantastic "Design your Youth Exchange" training course took place from 18-24 November 2024 in Lutherstadt Wittenberg and Leipzig with 20 participants from 11 countries involved.

The training focused on the topic of planning and designing international youth exchanges: from the project outline to practical implementation, the participating youth work professionals learned from each other and from our training team Ilias Giannopoulos, Vreni Striggow and Silvan Carius.

Our project was particularly characterized by an incredible atmosphere among the participants and a very supportive mood. Many thanks to everyone who made this possible, including our local project partner VILLA Leipzig and also to our European partners @vibria.intercultural @mladinskicenterzagorje @monadamtu @reviewlatvia.

Please check out the fantastic summary including photos of our participant Sintija Bernava from Latvia in her blog.

Here's also a great preport from our participant Danute Anilena from @pollino_lab_projects including a video with nice impressions of the training and the time in between our sessions.

Special thanks to the support of the AGJF Sachsen e.V. and their project Uferlots:innen for funding.

This project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

Diese Maßnahme wird mitfinanziert mit Steuermitteln auf Grundlage des vom Sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Haushalts.


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